Phenomenal, fantastic, so incredible - Woo Hoo!
I'm stealing the lyrics from a song on The Lego Movie 2. Click here to listen to it.
How can I describe to you what God has done for me in the past few days? Those lyrics pretty much nail it down. Let me give you one example.
Two days ago I watched a video that had been sitting in my email inbox for several weeks. I loved it because it's from Erin Sanderson at Fit Rocker Chick and it was about how she deals with PMS problems naturally. Click here to go see that video. That woman kills me. She's hilarious and so smart.
I had been wishing lately that I had a new app to track my period and guess what! She said first off, check out this app for tracking your period because it's awesome and it tells you how you might be feeling according to your hormone changes for each day of the month.
So I download it and you have to put in when you last had your period. I couldn't remember for sure so I just guessed what I thought was close. So I read what it said about my hormones and it said a lot of things but one thing stuck out to me:
"You'll be very good at tongue twisters right now. . . "
It went on about exactly why but let's get on with my story.
So that was Tuesday.
Wednesday comes and I had decided I wanted to go to the city for a few things. Get the kids some haircuts before school, go check out the dogs at the SPCA and get a mattress topper for our bed because it's just too dang hard.
I ended up taking my husband's truck instead of my car. Usually I listen to music on my phone but I couldn't get the bluetooth to play my music on his truck.
So I turned on the radio.
I haven't listened to the local radio stations in years.
It was pretty good music and going fine. Then the radio DJ says, It's Willa Wednesday and if you call in right now, you can do a tongue twister competition and if you win, you get a prize! Two people will say a tongue twister and the first person to mess it up loses.
My period app forecast came slamming back to my mind. "You'll be very good at tongue twisters right now. . . "
Fear gripped me.
I can't call a radio station and do a contest! What if I lose!
I paused and thought for a moment.
But what if I win?
Well, I thought, I guess I better not be driving while I do this. I wish I had a place to pull over.
Boom! I come up to a roadside pullout at exactly that moment.
Exactly what I needed appeared, exactly when I needed it.
So I pull over and I'm calling the station and I'm totally scared. Totally nervous. But Ruth Soukup has taught me over and over - DO IT SCARED. So I did it and I did it scared. The radio DJ answers and says he's having problems with his phone system right now so I can do the contest but I have to do it solo. No other person to compete against, just me against myself.
Isn't that really life! So often we think we are up against someone else and we have to be better than them or we lose but the truth really is that it's not about beating other people - It's about just being the best you that you can be.
So he gives me the tongue twister and I say it three times and I win the prize!!!!
When you are doing something new, it can be scary because you have that fear of failure. The fear of losing.
Can I please tell you something? Don't listen to that fear.
Use that fear as a signal that you really should try and you should give it your best shot.
I feel like I'm supposed to use an example of having kids. Some people tell me that they want to have kids but they don't feel ready or their spouse doesn't feel ready.
Let me explain something here: You will never feel ready for kids. And if you do, you're really not. And that's the perfect time to have kids.
Children are the most life changing, hardest, most rewarding experience you can ever commit to. And waiting to start is never necessary. You can wait if you want to, but in my opinion, as long as you have a stable committed marriage, you are ready. Have those kids and buckle up! It's going to get rough but the journey of a family is something pretty spectacular and all the rough parts are so totally worth it.
Do you want a prize? You have to enter the competition. You literally can't lose because you're the only one living your life. Be that person who pushes into life. Who challenges themselves to be better, to keep going and to keep doing.
God showed me two visions at church last Sunday.
One was of me riding a horse. We were on an open road. It was wide and level and perfect for galloping on. God said to me, it's time to gallop. Lean forward, brace yourself for speed and go as fast as you can.
When I was a little girl, my sisters and I had horses and we loved this movie called the Man from Snowy River. It's such a classic movie and still awesome. There's this one part where the main character, Jim Craig, is racing other riders to catch a herd of wild horses. He leans forward and cues his horse with a certain sound: Ha! Sssssss!

God keeps reminding me of when me and my sisters would find a good place to gallop and we would pretend to be like Jim and we would lean forward and hiss like he did. Our horses knew immediately, without any training, that sound meant they could run as fast as possible and it was so much fun.
The other vision God showed me was simply a picture of myself in a hammock. But this was not a picture of resting or relaxing but rather, of no worries. It backs up my first vision because it's time to gallop and I have nothing to worry about.
God is showing me that right now is a season of going fast and having nothing to worry about. If you are reading this then I don't believe it's an accident or coincidence and he's telling you too.
What big projects have you been wanting to do but have been putting off? Have you been putting off having kids? Or a home renovation? Changing your job or career direction?
Now is the time.
What have you been waiting to do? Stop waiting. Start doing.
I'm part of a board now for the new youth association in Kindersley and we are working on building a new youth centre. I can honestly tell you that I think we are going to accomplish some big steps very quickly. Our last board meeting was just amazing. I'm excited to be a part of such a big project and to help it in all the ways I can. When it's time to make announcements, you can bet I'll tell you guys all about it!