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Writer's pictureHeather Mundt

Turn sucky things into fucking awesomeness - Part 2!!!

OH MY GOSH!!!!! FRIEND!!!!! God keeps proving himself over and over as faithful and powerful.

Remember last week when I told you about how God gives our hearts desires to chase and to use as guides for our lives? Remember how I told you about the things that were bothering me and I changed my wording about them into the good things that I really wanted? Like this one that I wrote about my husband:

"In my heart, I want my husband to be healthy, happy and balanced. I want him to know what he wants, what desires God is putting in his heart, and for him to follow them."


Ok. You need a bit of backstory first. So my hubs has been in a few planes in his life, like when he was a teenager, he went up into northern Manitoba on a fishing trip where you can only get there with a very small plane. He got to ride in the seat beside the pilot and he loved it. He went once in a neighbors' plane to find a lost cow once and again sat by the pilot.

Ever since then, he's loved flying and he wanted to learn how to fly but he just never pursued it. He never chased that dream. I can't even tell you how many times we've had the conversation and it goes like this:

Brenton sees a plane. "Man I'd love to learn how to fly. Planes are so awesome. I'd be so great at it."

Me: "You're so talented at operating machinery, I know you'd be an amazing pilot."

Brenton lights up more: "Totally!!! I'm so good at running machines and it's just another machine. I wish I could learn how to fly. It would be so much fun. I love flying so much."

Then he would proceed to tell me about the time he went up north on the fishing trip for the hundredth time and how he watched the pilot and loved it so much.

It's interesting to me to see how this passion has been allowed to develop in him since I started chasing my desires. Before last year, when I broke free of living to please other people, I stuffed my desires down and so did Brenton. He would talk once in a while about flying but not much. Now, since we moved to our new church, and have been giving ourselves permission to think and talk more about what we really want - now it's been coming up more and more.

It's not selfish to think about what you want your life to be like. In fact, it will benefit everyone around you for you to chase what makes you happy. What lights you up? What makes you so happy that nothing can even bring you down? CHASE IT!

Guess what landed in our yard yesterday?

A helicopter.

Guess who got to go for a ride in it?


I wish you could have seen the grin on his face when he got back. I've never seen him that happy. He was so happy that when I tried to barbecue pork chops for supper and burnt them to a crisp, he just picked them up and chopped up the pieces that were a little less burnt and he ate them anyway. HE WAS STILL HAPPY!!

Cloud nine? Try the moon! He was dancing, laughing, joyful to the maximum. I told him that he needs to chase that joy and he totally agreed. He is going to get lessons and start learning how to fly.

Friend. God doesn't put desires in your heart for you to ignore them and do other stuff that makes you frustrated and feel crappy. Yeah, you still might go through situations of sucky stuff. People are not perfect and they will make mistakes but moments of sucky don't have to be your everyday life. If you chase your joy, that sucky-ness won't be able to stick to you anymore.

If you focus on the crappy - you gonna get more of that exact crappy.

Focus on the desire, the joy. Then you'll get more of it.

Remember the other things I wished for? Like obedient kids?

In my heart, I want joyful, obedient children. That's a good thing. Oh my heart is filling up right now with joy just typing these words!

In this past week, Brenton has helped me start doing a new discipline routine where we make our children sit on a chair in the kitchen when they are disobedient. It's a time out chair really. And it's working!! They aren't perfect, because nobody is, but this week they suddenly started listening to me about being quiet in their beds when I put them to bed. They used to get up and play after it was lights out and I'd get so pissed. But for the past five nights in a row they've just obeyed me and went to bed and stayed quiet until they fell asleep.

I wrote down a daily routine I wanted to implement and we started doing it. AND Brenton helped me and he started being on time for meals. Friend, this has been huge. We have always struggled so much with having regular mealtimes.

Suddenly, one morning, I was getting ready to leave at 6 am, like usual, to go milk the cows. And I look up and there's Henry walking out on the deck, waving at me that he wants to come. He came with me to help me milk and it was so much fun! He loved helping me and I loved having him help me.

I didn't make that happen! God woke him up at 5:30 with a little thunderstorm and he stayed awake and decided he wanted to come with me. Henry has always struggled to go to sleep at night, not being tired enough but I've never thought to wake him up that early! But now he helps me milk every morning and he goes to sleep easily at night.

Brenton helped me learn my new milking machine that I ordered. It has been such a blessing! Only $100 and now that I use it, I don't know why I milked her teeny tiny little teats by hand for two years. And the milk stays even cleaner than when I used to milk by hand into an open pail.

Buttercup stands so perfectly still for the calf and our little milk machine. In this picture we just started and her bag is full of milk.

I'm getting two things out of this new miracle. My son sleeps better and on a much better schedule, but also I get to spend time with him doing something we both enjoy. We are bonding in a totally new way and I love it so much.

My life is not always joy filled. I'll admit and be honest that sometimes still I even struggle with having my own temper tantrums. Like yesterday when I totally burned the pork chops? Yeah I screamed the F word a bunch and thought I had ruined supper. It wasn't right to get so angry about food and I told my kids I was sorry, and I told God I was sorry. I'm never going to stop making mistakes, but I will keep getting back up. Fail forward friend.

But why is so fucking hard sometimes to focus on what you really want? And why is so fucking easy to sit around and focus on the problems!

I'll tell you why.

Matthew 7:13-14

The Narrow and Wide Gates

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

That's Jesus talking there. What does he mean about gates and roads? Well it seems pretty obvious right? Yeah, the gates and roads are our thoughts and actions. People often refer to a new opportunity as an open door - which sounds a lot like a gate to me.

And these roads and gates lead to two things. Destruction or life.

Hmmmmm. I think I wanna choose life but I'll admit, it's damn hard sometimes.

Choosing the narrow path means you gotta do some work. That little path is sometimes hidden from view because it's so tiny. You can find the freeway to destruction easily and getting on it is no problem because all you have to do is follow the crowd. Go with the flow.

But that freeway sucks the life out of you. It's easy. But it sucks. It's depressing.

How do you find the narrow path that leads to life?

Start by getting off the freeway and looking. What does a happy life look like for you?

You're going to have to get up, off your butt and just start doing something. Start with something you like, that makes you feel good. I like watching my chickens, wandering around our garden and going for walks.

I was feeling horrible this morning as I'm trying to finish this blog post but as I was typing about those things I like, suddenly, I took a deep breath without even thinking about it and I felt a little bit better.

Get yourself a pen and paper and write down three things you like to do. Three things that make you feel good. Now go do one of them. I'm gonna go for a walk.

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